Recruitment Overview
Welcome to the 2025 Mid-Atlantic Regional College Theatre and Dance Auditions!
The registration fee is for one program's attendance at the MARCAs event for up to 4 people, and includes ONE table set up in the college fair. Dance and Theatre programs from the same university must register separately.
Callbacks will be posted following the auditions. These are a chance for your selected students to meet your institution and get more information about your program. These callbacks are information, not performative. If you have any questions please contact us at
Please scroll down for additional details regarding auditions
on November 14th & 15th at Rowan's Glassboro Campus.
Check out the rest of our site to familiarize yourself with the Audition Requirements given to the students and peak at this year's Day-of Schedule (adjustments may occur but event start and end times will only be adjusted slightly).
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, contact us at
Upon check in, you will receive: a lanyard with your name and institution; and a folder, which will include the days schedule, local restaurants, a map of the university, and other convenient information for the day. If you purchased a Recruiter Handbook, those will be handed out at check-in.
You will continue to into the college fair area (Theatre will be in the Pfleeger Lobby, Dance will be in the Boyd Lobby, both inside Wilson Hall) where you will be able to setup your table. Light breakfast food and coffee will be available in the morning, with coffee available through lunch.
Before auditions begin, there will be a brief welcome from the producers and hosts of the MARCAs, EgoPo Staff and Rowan Theatre & Dance Faculty.
Students will attend in person auditions, with callback interviews to be held the same day. They will prepare two contrasting monologues, no longer than 2 minutes in total length (not including their slate). Acting students will audition along with musical theater students.
Before each Acting/Musical Theatre group begins their auditions, respective student groups will be guided onstage for a brief review of how their auditions will work. Once this brief review is complete, the group's auditions will commence.
Students will attend in person auditions, with callback interviews to be held the same day. They will prepare one monologue and one song, no longer than 2 minutes in total length (not including their slate and accompanist check-in). Musical theater students will audition along with acting students.
Before each Acting/Musical Theatre group begins their auditions, respective student groups will be guided onstage for a brief review of how their auditions will work. Once this brief review is complete, the group's auditions will commence.​
Students will attend in person auditions, with callback interviews to be held the same day. All applicants will be provided a table for their Design/Tech display and portfolio materials. Recruiters will be given ample time to tour the Design/Tech displays and speak directly to the applicants.​
Students will attend in person auditions on, with callback interviews to be held the same day. In groups, students will be led through a dance call involving ballet, modern, and movement improvisation. Callback interviews will be held the same day.
Following auditions, recruiters will write the numbers and names of students they would like to call back to their table at the college fair. Rowan student helpers will collect your forms and post them in the student holding area.
Once auditions are finished and your callback sheets have been collected, lunch will be available in Pfleeger Lobby. You are also welcome to get food around or off campus (using the list of recommended establishments in your folder).
An announcement will cue the "release of the kraken," and the college fair will begin. You will have the remainder of the event to meet the students you have called back, as well as students interested in learning more about your institution. We know the students are excited to meet all of you, so please plan to attend the entirety of the college fair if travel plans permit.
At the end of the day, you will strike your table displays and leave your lanyard on the table before you leave. We will collect your lanyard and strike all tables and chairs after you've finished packing up.
We'd love to hear your feedback on how this year's MARCAs went, so please catch one of us on your way out or send us a quick email at